
Marcelo Cutrim Moreira de Castro
+55 (092) 99192-5406

Academic Training


  • PhD in Entomolody (in progress) CAPES Concept 5, National Institute for Amazonian Research – INPA, Manaus, Brazil.
    Title: Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Loneura Navas, 1927 Psocopdea. Psocoptera,
    Mentor: José Albertino Rafael – PhD.
    Coordinators: Alberto Silva Moreira Neto and Alfonso Nery Garcia-Aldrete,
    Keywords: Psocodea; Psocoptera; Loneura; Amazon; Taxonomy; Phylogeny.
    Greater Area: Biological Sciences / Area: Zoology / Subarea: Entomology / Specialty: Taxonomy and Phylogeny.

2005 – 2007

  • MASTER DEGREE in Entomology through National Institute for Amazonian Research – INPA, Brazil 2007.
    Title: Taxonomic revision of the neotropical genus Loneura Navas, 1927 (Psocoptera:
    Ptiloneuridae). Mentor: José Albertino Rafael – PhD.
    Keywords: Psocoptera, Epipsocetae, Systematics and Taxonomy. Major Area: Biological Sciences / Area: Zoology / Subarea: Entomologia / Specialty: Taxonomy.



  • GRADUATE in Biology through Laureate International University, Brazil. Title: Vertical Stratification of the Entomofauna of Two Watersheds of the Adolpho Ducke Ecological Reserve, Amazonas, Brazil. 
    Mentor: José Albertino Rafael – PhD.
    Keywords: Amazon, Entomology, Fauna of the Canopy. Great area Biological Sciences / Area: Zoologia / Subarea: Entomology.


2005 – Current

  • Lecturer at UFAM, UEA, SEMED, UNINORTE and SUNY (USA) educational institutions teaching Biological Sciences subjects and conducting research projects. With articles published in indexed magazines and several abstracts presented in congresses.


Since 2007, he is a Biologist and Entomologist. Has been working in Conservation for Amazonian Biodiversity. Knows very well the Amazonian rivers and the Ecosystems, as naturalist guide leads excursions, lectures, expeditions and has lot of experience on working with Eco Tourism.


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